Usually when we hear or know of a child starting to eat more, our first impression deems it to be a positive turnaround. True, a few more spoonful of his favorite ulam or his favorite veggie does seem like a nice change to the everyday challenge just to convince our picky eater to finish the food on his plate, especially when we think that all the food that he is taking are found in the food groups from the food pyramid.

Despite this moms, there are still a few things to remember once your child starts to become more enthusiastic during mealtimes. Remember, food must be taken in moderation—whether your child is a picky eater or not. So when you notice that he is becoming more inclined to having second—or even third—helpings, you might want to retrace your steps and think of his behavior towards food.

Start with Yourself

Once you see that your picky eater is becoming more invested into eating more food than necessary, especially if it's his favorite meal, be a good role model and show him your food partitions. Teach him how to place just the right amount of food and of what kind of dish to put in his plate. Use the food pyramid, with its five different food groups, as your guide.

Never Force

We know that moms sometimes have the habit of telling their kids to "clean their plate". Admittedly, it is a natural behavior especially when you think about not wasting food. But in a different perspective, your kids might already be eating too much by getting used to this process. There are times that maybe, he is already full but consistently finishes his meal because it is simply required. Moms, following the food pyramid does not compel you to force-feed your kids. The food groups in the food pyramid should instead serve as your guide in preparing a balanced meal for your child.

Formulate an Eating Time

This can be helpful especially if your picky eater is also an active child—always playing outside with his friends, attending classes or other lessons. We can never be too sure of what he does and eats during the times that he is away. Get him used to having an eating schedule. Not only will this regulate his food intake, but this will ensure that what he is eating is the food you prepared.

Don't forget to serve your child a glass of Lactum 3+ or 6+ during mealtimes to help ensure that he gets the nutrients he needs! Lactum helps provide 100% nourishment as it has the essential nutrients found in food groups from the food pyramid and you, 100% panatag!
